lucre - meaning and definition. What is lucre
Online Dictionary

What (who) is lucre - definition

Lucrative; Lucre (disambiguation)

·noun Gain in money or goods; profit; riches;
- often in an ill sense.
People sometimes refer to money or profit as lucre, especially when they think that it has been obtained by dishonest means. (HUMOROUS or OLD-FASHIONED) they can feel less guilty about their piles of filthy lucre.
N-UNCOUNT [disapproval]
¦ noun literary money, especially when gained dishonourably.
ME: from Fr. lucre or L. lucrum; the phr. filthy lucre is with biblical allusion to Tit. 1:11.



Lucre usually refers to one of many slang terms for money. It may also refer to:

  • Lucre District, Quispicanchi, a district in Peru
  • Lucre, a hill in the novel The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
  • Lucre Island, a fictional island in the Monkey Island video-game series
Pronunciation examples for lucre
1. for dirty lucre.
Examples of use of lucre
1. If he leaves, he can look forward to considerable lucre.
2. That phenomenon is making filthy lucre from relentless titillation.
3. Lucre has been cleansed of its filth and plutocrats have become svelte.
4. The less campaign lucre there is, the better government will be.
5. THE KLF Torched cash: 1 million Ah, who doesn‘t love the smell of flaming filthy lucre in the morning?